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Bootstrap 4 Grid system

Bootstrap 4 Grid system

Hello devs, here is a quick tutorial on the bootstrap 4 grid system. I will try to talk on many things as possible. Bootstrap can be used in reactJS as well and it’s pretty useful. One of the main things you need to learn is the grid system. It is important...
Create a table in ReactJS

Create a table in ReactJS

Hey devs, here is a new article.In this article I will explain how to create a table in reactJS with the use of Bootstrap. If you don’t know how to use bootstrap in reactJS, you can check this previous article on how to use bootstrap with reactJS. If you want to...
Navbar in reactJS

Navbar in reactJS

Hey devs, I have started a new project today and I was doing the navbar and I noticed I had never wrote an article about the navbar in reactJS, so I thought to write one. In this article I will create a navbar in reactJS how I usual do it, by using reactJS and...
Alert in reactJS

Alert in reactJS

Hey devs, here is a new article on reactJS. Today we are going to add an alert in reactJS. Let’s start by installing the react-bootstrap library, then we import it in our project. npm I react-bootstrap import Alert from ‘react-bootstrap/Alert’ Now we...